In The Mood For Love is a 2000 romantic drama written, produced and directed by Wong Kar-wai. It portrays a man (Tony Leung) and a woman (Maggie Cheung) whose spouses have an affair together and who slowly develop feelings for each other. The goal is to design a poster using handmade techniques to capture the romantic yet tragic essence of the movie.
Visual key words are Romantic, Hopeless, Tangled.
The film’s original Chinese title 花样年华 means “the age of blossoms” – a Chinese metaphor for the fleeting time of youth, beauty and love.
To echo with the Chinese name, I traced the English title “In The Mood For Love“ along the shape of a blossom.
I used black velvet as the background material for embroidery to imitate the textile of clothing (“Qipao“ — a popular form of dress during the 1960s in China) in the movie. This subtle texture of velvet hints the time of the story, and hopefully could quickly bring audience back in time.
The delicate embroidery with an intense and slightly dark red color represents the fragile and tragic romantic relationship between the main characters in the movie.